Arch G. Woodside is a member and Fellow of American Psychological Association, Association of Psychological Sciences, Royal Society of Canada, International Academy for the Study of Tourism, Society for Marketing Advances, and the Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy (GIKA). He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Business Research as well as Advances in Business Marketing and Purchasing annual book series, and the Advances in Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research book series. His research includes 450 journal articles in 50+ SSCI journals including 75 articles in A*journals, 100+ in A journals (ABDC journal list), 50+ book chapters, and 50+ authored and/or edited books. Arch’s Google citation index is 11,500+, his h-index is 50, and he has an i10-index of 188. Arch is Professor of Marketing at Boston College and Curtin University and has recently served as a Visiting Professor of Marketing at the University of Bamberg, Germany, University of Santiago, Chile, INCAE in Costa Rica, and City University of Hong Kong.
He co-founded GIKA in 2010 at the University of Valencia, Spain and in prior years co-founded the continuing Cross-Cultural Business and Consumer Research Conference; the continuing Advertising and Consumer Psychology Conference, and the continuing Consumer Psychology of Tourism, Hospitality, and Leisure Research Conference.
Pedro Mir, Arch Woodside and Andy Ang, research fellows from Spain and New Zealand
Prof. Woodside and Prof. Megehee